Team Elevate Now

Team Elevate Now

Elevate Now is India’s first medical weight loss program designed by expert doctors and health coaches. We help you lose excess weight by resetting your metabolism so you can live the life you love.

  • Benefits of Mild Physical Activity for Weight Loss

    Physical Activity for Weight Loss

    It is said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. If that journey for you is weight loss, mild physical activity could be that single step. The general method to lose weight is to be on a caloric deficit diet. That means consuming fewer calories or using more calories than you consume. you can also achieve this by burning off more calories than you consume by exercising or moving. Mild physical activity is a gentle way to make this transition.

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  • Unpacking Medical Weight Loss: A Path to a Healthier You

    medical weight loss programs

    Getting started on your weight loss journey can be confusing and overwhelming. There is too much information available on making a diet, weekly plan, or program, which makes it a complex process. Therefore, an excellent way to approach weight loss is to turn to systems with medical professionals. Their objective scientific knowledge and methods bring credibility and effectiveness to weight loss. Another helpful thing about picking a medical weight-loss program is the ability to adapt it to your particular needs – biological, conditional, and psychological.

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  • How To Eat In An Era Of Diets

    How to eat in the era of diets

    There is a new and trendy diet each time we blink our eyes. Remember Keto and all the rage it used to be? Since, it is important for each of us to eat in a way that satisfies us, it can be tricky to ignore diets as they rise and dip in popularity. It’s also important to remember that being on a diet can limit our joy around people. Given that social engagements and family interaction often revolve around food & eating, prolonged diets often reduce these meetings. 

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  • 5 Superfoods That Are Perfect For Your Weight Loss Diet

    Superfoods for weight loss

    Superfoods are nutrient-rich foods that have significant health benefits. They offer maximum nutritional value at minimal calories and contain many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They are mostly plant-based but also include some of the fishes and meat. Their variety of nutrients is known to have various benefits, like improving digestion, helping with weight loss, and improving immunity.

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    The Hottest FAD Diet in Town!

    If you have a body like Christiano Ronaldo or Hrithik Roshan, the below information is not for you!
    For all the rest, who occasionally, regularly, ardently seek information on health hacks and diets that can get them in shape quickly. Let’s understand the history and science behind them. Most of us can relate to this in some fashion, even today! But as history often goes, it starts in the West.

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    Zero Calorie Foods: Myths And Facts

    The promise of zero-calorie foods is a deeply appealing one. It comes across like a cheat code or loophole to eat food without any calories. Such foods can be helpful in losing or maintaining one’s weight and even satisfy snack cravings without any caloric consequences. However, the label of zero calories is a misunderstood one. In reality, most zero-calorie foods are actually very low in calorie count and typically require more energy to digest them than they provide in consumption. If consumed in excess or out of proportion, such foods can lead to utter confusion and chaos when you are trying to lose weight. For guidance on this, it can be helpful to be in a medical program that can help you lose weight sustainably and in a healthy manner. 

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    5 Reasons To Try Medically-Backed Weight Loss Programs

    Losing weight is often seen as an uphill battle. There are a lot of ways to do it, and yet one can feel troubled by the breadth of choices one has to make. While at its simplest it is about consuming fewer calories than we require, there are personal complications and conditions to consider as well. Medical science, through a team of doctors and specialists, may be able to help us proceed with a clear path forward for our unique body, psychology, and other conditions.

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    How Can Your Brain Sabotage Your Weight Loss Journey

    Our typical idea of a diet, which is to restrict calories or food groups, carefully watch what we eat, and experiment with trending guidelines leaves us in a difficult cycle. Strangely, weight loss can become harder for us on a diet. This happens for a few reasons. One of them is definitely hitting a plateau after making early progress. Another is the tiring consideration of what we should eat and what we should avoid as we go through our day. The third is our desire to eat more or revert to older patterns as we come closer to our goal. This feeling of reverting to our mean or average, can come from our brain conspiring with our bodies. Adding to the points above are the hormones that fluctuate during our weight loss journey.

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    Metabolism Basics For Weight Loss

    Our weight is the result of a variety of factors, some personal, like genes, DNA, and our own psychology, and others external like environmental cues. Human weight remains an under-researched topic with a limited understanding of its complexities. Yet, weight loss, at its simplest, takes place when we consume fewer calories than we ‘burn’ or our body consumes over a sustained period of time. The process of converting food and drinks into energy is called metabolism. To understand weight loss well, it helps to have a functional understanding of how metabolism happens along with the factors that help it take place.

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  • How does the Elevate Now program work?

    Obesity as a health issue has been on an alarming rise recently. Around the world, more than 1.9 billion adults are overweight, with 650 million obese. In India, around 25% of the population is overweight and is expected to increase by 40% by 2040. If you have been affected by excessive weight gain, we understand that your physical and emotional health gets tremendously affected. Managing your health today will help you avoid consequences like high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, cardiac arrests and other health ailments.  

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