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Tried Losing Weight, But Nothing Worked?

Losing Weight
The yo-yo effect – Conventional dieting or eating less calories signals the brain that there’s food scarcity. This pushes our body into a survival mode, slowing down metabolism, storing more calories than it burns. It’s Metabolism, Not You
Dieting, usually isn’t a joyful journey. We resist or give up on foods we love. This leads to a natural instinct that makes us crave more. It makes us feel better when we eat those foods because the satiety center and the pleasure center in the brain are closely linked. It’s Biology, Not You
Physical activity is a must for all of us. But doing strenuous exercise at the gym only is not the solution to weight loss. Even simple daily-walks can help boost metabolism. The key here is to be consistent with what we do. It’s Biology, Not You
Sudden changes in food & activities that don’t account for our lifestyle, genetic make-up or our social environment can be unsustainable and effective only in the short run. Consistency is key to reaching the goal. But it’s possible only if we undertake efforts that are sustainable. It’s Biology, Not You

Weight-loss efforts, particularly when we give in to our cravings and habits, tend to push us into an unhealthy emotional state. While we’re feeling guilty for not trying harder, our body is actively counteracting efforts by decreasing metabolism, conserving energy and releasing stress hormones like Cortisol. This can make us even more guilty, stressed, emotional, angry etc., derailing us from our journey. It’s Biology, Not You

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